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Education & Outreach
工作坊/ 大師班/講座
工作坊/ 大師班/講座


穿.透.力 – 音樂劇發聲及歌唱工作坊

音樂劇歌唱技巧大師班——Francesco Mecorio




Piece 2 #BEHIND MUSICAL 歌唱工作坊

2018 文化領袖論壇表演嘉賓
表演者:馮志佑 張國穎 李灝泓
音樂總監及伴奏: 李倩彤
表演者:馮志佑 張國穎 李灝泓
音樂總監及伴奏: 李倩彤

音樂劇是音樂劇 – 音樂劇歌唱工作坊
日期 Date:2016-1-25
時間 Time:11:00 – 12:30
地點 Venue:香港演藝學院四樓教職員舞蹈室
Dance Staff Studio, 4/F, Hong Kong Academy for Performing Arts
嘉賓 Guest:Steven Luke Walker (
內容 Content:
嘉賓為吉爾福德演藝學院的歌唱部主管(Head of singing),工作坊會分享他在倫敦西區演出音樂劇的經驗和介紹音樂劇歌唱的技巧。參加者有機會獲當場指導,請先自行準備歌曲及帶備琴譜。適合具音樂劇歌唱一年或以上經驗人士。工作坊以英語進行。
Steven Luke Walker, Head of Singing, GSA, will share his experience as a performer in West End London and introduce the technique of musical theatre singing in the workshop. Participant may have chance to be coached by Stephen. Please prepare your song and bring sheet music. Suitable for those who have one year or more experience of musical theatre singing. The workshop will be conducted in English.
琴師 Pianist: 孔奕佳 Edgar Hung
統籌 co-ordinator:陳健迅 Seth Chan 敏迪貝蒂 Mandy Petty
助理 Assistant:吳紫霞 Kami Ng
資助Sponsor:香港藝術發展局 Hong Kong Arts Development Council
時間 Time:11:00 – 12:30
地點 Venue:香港演藝學院四樓教職員舞蹈室
Dance Staff Studio, 4/F, Hong Kong Academy for Performing Arts
嘉賓 Guest:Steven Luke Walker (
內容 Content:
嘉賓為吉爾福德演藝學院的歌唱部主管(Head of singing),工作坊會分享他在倫敦西區演出音樂劇的經驗和介紹音樂劇歌唱的技巧。參加者有機會獲當場指導,請先自行準備歌曲及帶備琴譜。適合具音樂劇歌唱一年或以上經驗人士。工作坊以英語進行。
Steven Luke Walker, Head of Singing, GSA, will share his experience as a performer in West End London and introduce the technique of musical theatre singing in the workshop. Participant may have chance to be coached by Stephen. Please prepare your song and bring sheet music. Suitable for those who have one year or more experience of musical theatre singing. The workshop will be conducted in English.
琴師 Pianist: 孔奕佳 Edgar Hung
統籌 co-ordinator:陳健迅 Seth Chan 敏迪貝蒂 Mandy Petty
助理 Assistant:吳紫霞 Kami Ng
資助Sponsor:香港藝術發展局 Hong Kong Arts Development Council

音樂劇是音樂劇 – 音樂劇公開講座
日期 Date:2016-1-26
時間 Time:11:00 – 13:00
地點 Venue: YHA 美荷樓青年旅舍多功能活動室 - 深水埗石硤尾邨41座Function Room, YHA Mei Ho House Youth Hostel, Block 41 Shek Kip Mei Estate, Sham Shui Po, Kowloon
嘉賓 Guest: Julian Woolford (
簡介 Content:
嘉賓為GSA 音樂劇碩士課程主管 (Head of MA Musical Theatre),並為音樂劇編劇和導演,以及曾出版多本音樂劇書籍。講座會講解音樂劇作為現今最受歡迎的劇場類型的特點,及闡述它的敘事及表現手法等。英語進行,適合任何對音樂劇有興趣人士。
Julian Woolford, Head of MA Musical Theatre, GSA, is a musical theatre writer and director. He also published the book How Musicals Work. Julian will introduce the characteristic of musical theatre and explain how it works in the seminar. The seminar will be conducted in English. Suitable for all musical theatre lover.
統籌 co-ordinator:陳健迅 Seth Chan 敏迪貝蒂 Mandy Petty
助理 Assistant:吳紫霞 Kami Ng
資助Sponsor:香港藝術發展局 Hong Kong Arts Development Council
時間 Time:11:00 – 13:00
地點 Venue: YHA 美荷樓青年旅舍多功能活動室 - 深水埗石硤尾邨41座Function Room, YHA Mei Ho House Youth Hostel, Block 41 Shek Kip Mei Estate, Sham Shui Po, Kowloon
嘉賓 Guest: Julian Woolford (
簡介 Content:
嘉賓為GSA 音樂劇碩士課程主管 (Head of MA Musical Theatre),並為音樂劇編劇和導演,以及曾出版多本音樂劇書籍。講座會講解音樂劇作為現今最受歡迎的劇場類型的特點,及闡述它的敘事及表現手法等。英語進行,適合任何對音樂劇有興趣人士。
Julian Woolford, Head of MA Musical Theatre, GSA, is a musical theatre writer and director. He also published the book How Musicals Work. Julian will introduce the characteristic of musical theatre and explain how it works in the seminar. The seminar will be conducted in English. Suitable for all musical theatre lover.
統籌 co-ordinator:陳健迅 Seth Chan 敏迪貝蒂 Mandy Petty
助理 Assistant:吳紫霞 Kami Ng
資助Sponsor:香港藝術發展局 Hong Kong Arts Development Council

Performing Arts Market in Seoul (PAMS 2016)
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